Begin your cosmetology journey with us and leave your financial worries behind! We understand that funding your education can be challenging, which is why we offer a variety of options to make it more manageable. We provide scholarships and accept all types of public grants and scholarships. For those who need more flexibility, we also offer pay-as-you-go plans that allow you to make payments on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.

We are diligently working towards our accreditation, which will enable us to provide even more comprehensive financial assistance to eligible students. While we await the completion of this process, we encourage you to explore the funding options we currently have available.

Our goal is to support you as you pursue your passion in the dynamic field of cosmetology. Let's work together to make your dreams a reality!


While our accreditation is currently in progress, we are committed to making your education accessible and affordable. We proudly accept a wide range of public scholarships and grants, ensuring that you can embark on your journey to becoming a skilled cosmetology professional without financial barriers.

BLSC x sephora scholarship

BLSC X SEPHORA Scholarship - $7,500

Students have the opportunity to earn $7,500 toward their tuition as well as work a paid internship directly at a Sephora Store. Click below to view all requirements, and additional information.